How to order a voucher:
- Pay for the order
- After the payment is booked (in the case of electronic transfers within 5 minutes) you will receive an e-mail with a pdf file for printing. You can enter the details of the recipient and the voucher number, which you will receive by e-mail within 1-2 business days
- The voucher can be redeemed by arranging a session on the website:
- select the appropriate session type, date and time
- click the “Order a session” button
- go to the order page by selecting the “Proceed to payment” button
- on the order page, click the green bar “You have a coupon” and enter the voucher number there – the coupon will apply a 100% discount to the product
- enter your details, then click the “Buy and pay” button
- you will receive the booking details by e-mail