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Offer for business

If you are looking for wellbeing and psychoeducational workshops for your employees, you are in the right place

Welcome to the Workshop Space

For your employees, you will find workshops, webinars and original forms of relaxation in the form of therapeutic stories

We work with companies in the field of innovative wellbeing activities and competence training based on the following topics: communication, mental resilience, psychology of stress and health, self-organization, life balance, conflict management, diversity, negotiations, authentic public speaking, creative thinking.

the psychophysical well-being of your employees is the well-being and success of your company

Offer for business

The level of commitment, motivation and effectiveness of the team depends on the psychophysical well-being and the ability to cope with stress of each of its me

Conscious employers care not only about the positive and health-promoting image of the company, but most of all for the creation of a genuinely friendly and favorable work environment for the health and development of employees. We invite companies that want to build such a foundation to cooperate

Benefits for employees

  • ability to deal with stress, understand your reactions and learn ways to make positive changes to your daily functioning
  • improvement of concentration and general work of the mind thanks to mindfulness techniques
  • increased energy to act and better well-being
  • discovering your potential and strengths, increased motivation, willingness to take up challenges and take initiative

Benefits for the employer

  • reducing the amount of burnout and stimulating good energy in teams
  • improving the quality and efficiency of performed tasks by reducing the level of stress
  • improving communication between individual employees and teams
  • strengthening the positive image inside and outside the company, thanks to building a truly
  • pro-health work environment

We cooperate, among others, with:


Familiarize yourself with the workshop offer for your company

workshops, courses and webinars

The Workshop Space is created for you by the Music Communication Yoga duo: Kasia and Wiktor

Katarzyna Kata - psychologist on the mat

  • health psychologist (AMU),
  • international consultant of Transcultural Positive Psychotherapy (WAPP)
  • certified Vinyasa Yoga (Yoga Alliance), fitness and pilates (IFAA) instructor
  • author of therapeutic fairy tales for children and adults

He conducts individual sessions as well as workshops and group classes, working holistically with the psyche, body and emotions, mainly in the field of positive psychology, salutogenesis and transcultural positive psychotherapy. He conducts proprietary well-being workshops for companies "Source Code of Your Health - reaching the needs of the body and mind", psychological webinars and 1: 1 consultations for corporate employees. He cooperates with companies such as: Sii, Allegro, Healthdesk, Trainbrain, Netguru, McKinsey, Volkswagen.

Together with Wiktor Łoś, he co-creates the "muscoYoga" brand - Music Communication Yoga - which includes dance yoga with live music, art therapy concerts, intuitive movement and elements of hypnotherapy, as well as workshops on communication, creativity, conflict resolution and authentic public appearances.

She loves both the silence, peace and intimacy of 1: 1 work, as well as working with a group and large music and yoga events in the form of performances. She is a seeker for the magic of everyday life and encourages her clients to do the same, seeing in each of them incredible potential, the power of self-healing and living according to their own recipe for happiness.

Wiktor Łoś

  • MLB MSc: (Bucerius Law School)
  • composer and instrumentalist
  • Scrum Master (Sii & Genetech)
  • lawyer (Jagiellonian University)
  • permanent Mediator at the District Court in Poznań
  • soft skills trainer
  • graduated from the piano class with Mr. Iwona Żyta and Mr. Adam Zok at the PZSM im. A. Rubinstein in Bydgoszcz.

Together with Kasia, he co-creates the "muscoYoga" brand and conducts workshops on communication, the art of negotiation, creative thinking, conflict resolution and training in authentic public speaki

As a mediator by vocation and education, he specializes in improving communication between people, in terms of business, life and art. Hence the full name "musco" is Music Communication.

After several years of working in law firms, Wiktor started working as an Innovation Manager, and currently as a Scrum Master, creating software in the R&D department of Genetech specializing in protein therapy. In the evenings, he composes and produces music in his home studio with the mission of sensitizing and opening the hearts of his listeners, taking them on eclectic journeys through emotion

Are you interested in our offer? Feel free to contact us, write us more about your needs

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